The future Of technology based education on different branches of science: A conceptual basis for educational applications of virtual reality
Güllüoğlu, Sabri Serkan
Many studies have shown that learner learns best when a variety of teaching methods are used, and that different learners respond best to different methods. To this end, computers are being used more and more as teaching tools, to provide learners with a wider variety of learning experiences. These approaches include multimedia presentations, computerized question-and-answer sessions, and some quite realistic simulations of situations too complex, costly, or hazardous to bring into the classroom.
Virtual world is used in today's business environment for the education of employees for which it represents an excellent venue. In particular, virtual worlds environment (such as Second Life) have been used in business schools as an extension of the classroom. In some other cases virtual worlds have been used for creating business games. Since the growth of the Internet, employees have been able to learn and to follow online educations. This is a major breakthrough and helps to overcome problems such as distance, infrastructure or appointment. There are different methods in which this can be carried out: Video Conferencing is probably the most common tool. People can stay in their office to attend a live conference or a recorded meeting. This new way of education raises some questions: Is virtual education as effective as real educations? Does this method encourage people to learn?
Using technologies can affect people's behaviors in many ways. First of all they can seem more interested in using virtual modes as a study method and because of this their learning satisfactions can be higher when compared to traditional classroom techniques. Despite the fact that people are not in a face to face meeting and thus are not creating social links, the efficiency is not really affected.
Virtual education has a lot of advantages compared to the traditional classroom and meetings. Thanks to the rise of the Internet people can now interact with the information through a more user-friendly environment which allows them a greater level of involvement and creativity.
In addition to the use of virtual education, VR can also provide useful tools. One of the widest uses of this technology is maybe the use of 3D environment to allow virtual visits. The concept is used by many companies and is usually divided into two purposes. The main use for a company is to provide a virtual preview of their tour. Moreover some public places allow free access to their facilities, thus allows people who cannot visit the location for real are due to personal constraints, and are able to visit virtually. This allows an easy access to knowledge and it becomes a real alternative to video or picture. Virtual education is not so different from usual education in terms of content.
This paper addresses the application of VR as a new educational tool, designed to get learners more deeply immersed in the computer simulations, and to present educational experiences not possible using other methods. The main purpose of the study is to show used VR tools on different branches of science. This paper will be supported with many visual objects. Technology based education on different branches of science have been investigated with a questionarie in this study. VR tools in the design phase of the various branches of science will be explained with visual objects. As a result we can reply the question: How can VR Address Educational Objectives and Learning Styles?
Conference:2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)Location:Barcelona, SPAINDate:JUL 05-07, 2010